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Teen and Miss USA quit their crowns, citing mental health and personal values

来源:Planet Panorama news portal编辑:opinions时间:2024-06-03 14:07:44

The reigning winners of Miss USA, Noelia Voigt, and Miss Teen USA, UmaSofia Srivastava, resigned from their titles within days of each other this week in a shock to the Miss Universe Organization.

The resignations leave the longstanding pageant group without its top two titleholders for the first time in 72 years, shining a spotlight on its practices. The resignations have drawn calls for more transparency into Miss USA and its parent organization, both of which have faced controversy and scrutiny in the past.

Voigt, crowned in September 2023, was the first Venezuelan American to win her title.

The title was a “childhood dream” and stepping down was a “very tough decision,” the former Miss Utah and University of Alabama student said in an Instagram post on Monday.

“My hope is that I continue to inspire others to remain steadfast, prioritize your mental health, advocate for yourself and others by using your voice,” the 24-year-old wrote.

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