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Xi presents order to promote military officers to rank of general

来源:Planet Panorama news portal编辑:style时间:2024-06-03 19:04:09
(Xinhua) 08:14, March 29, 2024

Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), and other leaders pose for a group photo with two military officers who have been promoted to the rank of general at a ceremony held by the CMC in Beijing, capital of China, March 28, 2024. Xi presented certificates of order to the officers and extended his congratulations to them. (Xinhua/Li Gang)

BEIJING, March 28 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), on Thursday presented certificates of order to promote two military officers to the rank of general.

The promoted officers are Wang Renhua, secretary of the Commission for Political and Legal Affairs of the CMC, and Xiao Tianliang, president of the University of National Defense.

Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the CMC, announced the order of promotion, which was signed by Xi. He Weidong, also CMC vice chairman, presided over the ceremony.

Xi extended his congratulations to the officers. Later, Xi and other leaders had group photos with them.

General is the highest rank for officers in active service in China.

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