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Man charged in random attack on Steve Buscemi in NYC

来源:Planet Panorama news portal编辑:health时间:2024-06-02 17:25:58

NEW YORK (AP) — A man wanted in connection with the random attack on actor Steve Buscemi on a New York City street earlier this month was arrested on an assault charge Friday, police said.

The 66-year-old star of “Boardwalk Empire” and “Fargo” was walking in midtown Manhattan on May 8 when a stranger punched him in the face, city police said. He was taken to a hospital with bruising, swelling and bleeding to his left eye, but was otherwise OK, his publicist said at the time.

Police charged a 50-year-old homeless man with second-degree assault on Friday afternoon in the same precinct where Buscemi was attacked. Authorities announced on Tuesday that they had identified the man as the suspect and were looking for him.

It was not immediately clear if the man had an attorney who could respond to the allegations. A phone message was left at the local public defenders’ office.

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